Since the publication of his first book, Transcending, Kevin Carey has brought the transformative power of art to elementary and middle school students as a popular, caring and innovative school art therapist.

With over forty easy and enjoyable art activities, Draw-Bridges gives parents, grand-parents, teachers and counselors a creative new way to help kids learn positive behavior, express themselves, and build strong family relationships.

ISBN 978-0-9761553-2-4

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Kevin Carey’s Experience with Traumatic Brain Injury
Art Therapy and Children
Art in the Classroom




I do this activity before the 4th of July for students to celebrate the meaning of the holiday.The teacher will ask students to think of a past or upcoming event that they are really excited about (e.g. birth of a new sibling, a new bike or present, a contest that they won, etc.)

Then, the group will be asked to draw and/or paint the special event on the bottom portion of a large sheet of paper. Next, above the picture, mixed media will be used to create fireworks symbolizing celebration of the event. (Note: Glitter pens/glue work well.)

Finally, a discussion can be held among group members about the artwork.